This famous phrase was said so often that the context may have been forgotten by many times. At the moment when Hamlet says he's in that sentence out of Denmark with his mother alive and country intact, or take the words of his dead father and start a revenge that culminates in the death of people who are important to Hamlet. It is precisely this moment that is Jax.
The shots given by Opie at the end of last episode, as expected, do not kill Clay. The series makes good use this fact to create a new wave of events extending through the main characters (Jax, Tara and Gemma), secondary (TIG) and tertiary (Niners).
In the plot played by Tig that, believing that the shooting was the work of Clay Niners, some for revenge. Acting impulsively is a feature that boasts Tig since their first appearances, making this act completely believable in the diegesis of the series. The attempt goes wrong and Tig can only kill the old-lady of Laroy, starting a war between the Niners and Sons, which can be developed further in the coming episodes.
In a smaller plot, Jax Otto discovers the possibility of having betrayed the club, which could adversely affect the transaction between the Irish Kings and Cartel. Romeo tries to find among their informants if Otto had committed the Sounds, but can not find anything. I read somewhere on this critical mistake of cartel informants, since I think consistent with Potter's love for anonymity.
The main plot of the episode, and why have started quoting Hamlet was played by Jax, Gemma and Tara. With the turn of events, there was no reason and will to protect Jax the truth about the assassination of John. What is surprising is that Gemma was responsible for telling the truth a bit. The handling capacity of the character is so great that, seeing that everything would come out, she undertakes to give the cards to Jax, of course, omitting all those who cite it.
How well is the largest family, Tara and Gemma know that Jax will have to kill Clay. Let him live is a threat to everyone, but the consequences Jax leaves a dilemma worthy of Hamlet. Jax is the desire to follow it will leave Charming Tara, her mother, the only occupation he had in life and legacy of John, because I do not think the club can survive in the hands of any other member. If Jax Gemma desire to follow and take the club, he is inside the chaotic spiral SAMCRO, which was responsible for the death of his father.
As in Hamlet, Jax must choose a distant and happy life, or the legacy that led to fight constantly. When Hamlet chose to avenge the death of his father and take his place as crown prince of Denmark, many have died (including Hamlet himself). If Clay up to that bed, one way Jax will probably as tragic as that of Shakespeare's if all goes well and Clay is dead, the future of a war Jax is formed between Tara and Gemma.
The only certainty right now is that anything can happen.
PS: Incredible journey of transformation of Tara for the entire series. Now she is practically an old-lady, being able to see events from different angles and anticipate the actions of other characters.
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